Corporate Criminal Law
The evolution of interpersonal relationships towards a risk society demands that criminal law protect human conduct, especially in dynamic business activities. Duties of care appear in tax, administrative, and environmental regulations and in norms from common experience.
With over 25 years in corporate law, we represent companies as victims, defendants, or witnesses through personalized service. Our team defends individuals under investigation in police inquiries of any nature, mitigating the risks of criminal proceedings. Our professionals function in a multidisciplinary manner, interacting with other areas of law (Civil, Tax, Environmental, Labor, Social Security), which often have criminal implications.
Our practice also covers:
We provide preventive services in various business segments to avoid tax fraud. We offer tax and environmental advisory services with a criminal focus, preventing tax representations for criminal purposes and the issuance of infraction notices. Additionally, we conduct technical-legal consultations and analyses of corporate bylaws for companies and industries in various sectors.
We present technical defenses in all types of criminal cases (tax, environmental, consumer, public administration, corporate, bidding, work accidents, crimes against property, and unfair competition) at all procedural stages in trial and appellate courts, as well as in higher courts. We file writs of habeas corpus to dismiss criminal actions and ensure clients’ freedom of movement through preventive habeas corpus (to prevent an illegal detention from occurring) and repressive habeas corpus (to challenge an illegal detention that has already occurred). We also provide prosecution assistance.